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It's time to protect your health from glue and resin fumes!

The first toxic fume collector for eyelash extension technicians and nail technicians working with acrylic under the name " SheMax -Lash".

Working should never be synonymous with danger. Yet the professionals of the world of beauty are constantly exposed to toxic substances . THE cyanoacrylate , most notably, is believed to be harmful over 98%. Daily used in eyelash glue and manicure it is inhaled throughout the day by thousands of women, despite certain protective measures such as masks and carbon filters. And when extending the eyelashes , the professional inhales the glue fumes and, with frequent and prolonged labor, allergies Are growing. The health consequences can then be alarming.

The vapor collector, a safe and innovative tool from SheMax-Lash

For protect your health , opt for a revolutionary device: the SheMax-Lash vapor collector . Forget allergies, irritation of the nasal mucous membranes and constant sneezing. This device is the first collector of toxic vapors for lashmakers And nail technicians who work with glue and of the resin . Designed by real experts, this innovative tool is unique worldwide. It benefits from an ingenious concept that allows filter vapors from the glue and acrylic, in order to fully neutralize toxic substances. Installed near any dangerous product, its result is optimal: it avoids exposure to harmful elements, purifies the air and prevents the appearance of chronic allergies while neutralizing smells aggressive. Combining efficiency and sobriety, the SheMax-Lash vapor collector features a elegant case in polymer. Without a doubt, this new generation tool will find its place perfectly in the most prestigious beauty salons . Make the choice of clean air in all circumstances! Pamper yourself with the SheMax-Lash Vape Collector. Your health is the key to a successful career!

How SheMax Lash works:

THE manifold must be installed as close as possible to the toxic product. We recommend that you place the glue or acrylic on a metal cover in the center of the collector. After turning on the device, the effect is immediate. The SheMax Lash suck the air through the top of the case, then the airflow passes through a special filter filled with carbon in the form of honeycombs , where it absorbs and eliminates harmful toxic fumes.

The main advantage of this product is the adsorption filter High quality. The filter is based on carbon , which is an excellent absorbent in the fight against fumes. The arrangement of carbon in the filter is in the form of a honeycomb. This sophisticated design allows air to pass evenly through each individual honeycomb. THE charcoal is the base of the filter and is compacted inside the filter. It is thus always evenly distributed inside.

The filter should be changed every 8 to 12 months.

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